Insights - Guaranteed rent

Landlord or letting agent advice on buy to let in shrinking economy

How Buy-to-Let will be Impacted by a Shrinking Economy

7th August 2020

Landlord, letting agent or estate agency, the COVID-19 crisis will have affected you in some way. For some, the effects will have been considerable, with the financial fallout of the pandemic at the heart of the problem. But does it have to be a problem? To what extent will buy to let actually be impacted by a shrinking economy?

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Guaranteed rent London

Guaranteed Rent: What Is It And How Does It Work?

4th August 2020

Guaranteed rent allows landlords to feel reassured that their monthly rental payments are fully secured. What’s more, you can go totally hands-off, enjoy fee-free property management services, and know that even during void periods, your income will continue.